2004 Northville MI High School Senior All Night Party (SANP)
by Clay Harrell.

What is a 'Senior All Night Party'?
Go back to the Home Page to read about the whole concept of what a SANP is. Links to pictures below of recent Northville Senior All Night Parties.

Pictures of Northville 2004 SANP.
I had absolutely no involvement with SANP 2004, and I don't have very much info or pictures of it either. From what I heard though, it was an excellent SANP. In the jungle portion, there was an intricate path through a crashed airplane. At one point the kids had to crawl through and around the airplane, and underneath them was a tube with LIVE mice running through it! ha! At the end of the path, Dave Laabs was dressed as a gorilla, and jumped out and scared the kids. Pretty imaginative.